One of the unique features of Tattoo Masquerade® is our wellness area. Filled with practitioners offering reiki, massage, and other energy work/wellness services, this area supports the healing arts. We are excited to welcome back 2016 boothholder Ananda Glick of Root Essensuals who showcased brilliant crystals, gorgeous headdresses, delectable oils, and her phenomenal crystal bed. A sponsor of our 2017 event, Ananda offers some insight into the root of her company…

I have always been a deeply spiritual person with an insatiable desire to learn. My life has been a beautiful, tumultuous and blessed journey towards becoming a healer. I am deeply enjoying the experience of learning how to be medicine woman. I am a Priestess of Vibrational Alchemy & Sound Healing. I have experienced profound personal growth and the deepest peace because of these practices. I feel tremendously honored to be able to live my Love. I started Root Essensuals to share these gifts with the collective.
I feel tremendously honored to be able to live my Love. I started Root Essensuals to share these gifts with the collective.
In 2012 I attended a program to become a Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Yoga Teacher. As I began to learn many different disciplines for healing I discovered a very common thread throughout all of them. In my experience, it was healing through the senses. Our ideology is Sensual Healing for Spiritual Beings. Our mission is to reintroduce people to their innate ability to heal, through empowering them to be present and connect with their senses. We believe in the power of working with the forces of nature to create alchemy when handcrafting our products. We carefully select fresh herbs for our infusions that carry medicine, energy and vibrations in alignment with that which we are crafting the products for. We use vibrational frequencies, chromatherapy, sacred charging symbols and geometry, crystals, and celestial movements. Healing is a natural process and we need only remember our connection to the forces within that are reflected throughout all of nature. We work to harness the power of these forces and use them to inspire the mind, spirit and body to reCOLLECT this powerful truth.
A Crystal Bed session makes a wonderful addition to the experience of receiving a tattoo! The bed can bring about a calm clarity of mind, and helps the body heal by accelerating cellular regeneration.
I am excited to be returning to Tattoo Masquerade this year. I will have a variety of fun trinkets, healing tools, and products to offer. I will also be bringing the Quantum Resonance Crystal Healing Bed. This bed is phenomenal and a tremendous experience. Come by the Root Essensuals booth for a session and relax while enjoying the sonic massage. Master frequencies of light, sound, and subtle unified field energy which communicates on the quantum level to create the perfect environment for potentiality, intention, healing and manifestation. The bed has Tesla Coils, Vogel Quartz Crystals and Transducers that emit frequencies which are completely programmable. These sessions address the physical, subtle energetic, emotional and astral body. A Crystal Bed session makes a wonderful addition to the experience of receiving a tattoo! The bed can bring about a calm clarity of mind, and helps the body heal by accelerating cellular regeneration.