My name is Melissa P ugh, I  just turned 40!! I am the mother of 3 children Wade ( 8 ) , Max ( 6 ) and Nola ( N4).  We are originally from the East Coast but we currently reside in Golden, Co.  When my oldest was in Kindergarten, I  was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Because of my age (37) and size of my cancer I  was given 16 weeks of chemo, double mastectomy and radiation.  

I had a group of breast friends that i met along the my way thru treatment and I  dont know what I  would have done without them. My silver lining thru it all, Leigh dragged me for my first tattoo ever to celebrate the conclusion of our active treatment.  Sadly, Leigh passed away 3 months later from progression, which lead to my second tattoo – for her.  It was then, that I realized that my tattoos were a  great catalyst for conversation about my experience, about Leigh’s experience.  I promised at her memorial service that Id never stop telling her story – and my “LIKE A BOSS” tattoo allows me to do just that.

Fast forward 1 year  to the point that I am cleared by my plastic surgeon to complete the last phase of my reconstruction – NIPPLES. I am scouring the web for info, personal experiences and options. Honestly, I could not find a single thing that felt right.  I decided with the help of my husband, that origami or tattooed 3D nipples were just not for me. One late night when insomnia was in full force, I  found and loved everything I saw.  I knew in that moment, as I  emailed Karen from , that a mastectomy tattoo was exactly what felt right to me. Why not take advantage of this giant canvas to tell more of my story. I was on the phone with Karen the next day – and chatting with Friday in New Orleans one week later.  

I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity to help P. i nk raise awareness and money to ensure that other women traveling this road have the same opportunity!

Missy is one of three lovely ladies who will be tattooed by Friday Jones, P.Inks artist at Tattoo Masquerade®.

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